I love you just the way you are. - Jonathan Lockwood Huie Love is granting another the space to be the way they are and the way they are not. - Werner Erhard We are not held back by the love we didn't receive in the past, but by the love we're not extending in the present. - Marianne Williamson Love Without Limits. - Jonathan Lockwood Huie If you love something, set it free; if it comes backs it's yours, if it doesn't, it never was. - Richard Bach Know the power and the peace of saying, "I love you just the way you are." - Jonathan Lockwood Huie This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, Smiles when sadness intrudes, Rainbows to follow the clouds, Laughter to kiss your lips, Sunsets to warm your heart, Hugs when spirits sag, Beauty for your eyes to see, Friendships to brighten your being, Faith so that you can believe, Confidence for when you doubt, Courage to know yourself, Patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life. - Anonymous

vendredi 18 octobre 2013


                      WHAT IS AFRICA WAITING FOR.
 We here in africa wont to help those who are around us to move the world of Africa. Africa has come a long way now, so we are to come togerter as one and fright for what belong to us we have keep quit for a long time and i time to bring new things and share with others around us .
 This time we are going to work very hard to make the dream of our forfather's came to pass. This is what our frofathers wont from us. To make this Black Africa continent geat and strong for every black from Africa especilly black origin's.  There are many black origin that find themselves in any part of the world like the {african american}, {african caribbean} etc.
 We thank God for letting us go though this things. African's have to feature our language and the regard to characteristically living of african's, we belief that black african's and their cultuer should be prodominat here in africa to make us {AFRICANIZE} putting  Africa in character, restructure, organization and replacing black africans employees for our future. Africa has to came togerther for a common purpose to help us gain the love that mama africa need to future his generations to the freedom world, the new africa called {UNIFICATION OF AFRICA}. This is what we are looking for, all african's are waiting for that day when Africa wll be changing all that it has to a new age.
 A broad movement that will be characterized by alternative approaches of personalties of Africa. Compareing what we have with realty, creating new thing,   discover, and intruduced. It will be the great for the world to know about it new way of life, and this will be the begining of a new havest for all the surffing, new experience, new ways of acquareing, reinvigorateing, restoreing, froming and informing {NEWIE} etc.
                          THE NEW ARCHITECTURE OF AFRICA
The new Architecture of Africa is a complex structure of Africa. The conceptual structure and logical organization of Africa. This is bringing all the state's  of africa and the governing  body of all the state's of africa into one governing body.
                               GOVERNANCE OF AFRICA.
1.Elect executive head of a state of Africa and official appointment of Governor General, the chief representative of Africa and governor's , offical appointed governance and governess of Africa
2.Conduct the policy and affairs of Africa. control and influence all the Africa state's. Aiming to the great work of Africa.
3.Constitute a standard and principle rule for africa. It will be serveing and decideing legal cases for Africa.
4.Invest our money into financial schemes with the expectation of achieving a profit. Africa have to devote (one’s time and energy) undertaking our investment with the expectation of a worthwhile result to all african's. African's have to have it way of investment to help build the state's of Africa .
5.Militarism the belief that Africa should maintain and readily draw on a strong military capability for the defence or promotion of Africa interests.

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